Grace Andrea Montoya Rojas

Agrologist, specializing in Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects, both from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá, Colombia. Magister in Regional Geographical Analysis and Ph.D. by the Department of Geography in the “Natural and Human Environment” program, both from the University of Salamanca in Spain. With different international cooperation courses, project management, natural disasters, biodiversity and protected areas, also in geopolitics, governance, sustainability, regional planning and spatial analysis, climate change, food security, green-blue innovation and green growth. Ex-scholarship of the European Community as a high-level professional. Awards from the Government of Japan for entrepreneurship and the Government of Sweden for technical-scientific innovation. Member of the Colombian Geographical Society.
Currently with postdoctoral research in:
• Edaphoclimatic analysis, biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem services and ecological functions in Geo-health
• Integrated regional planning: smart & sustainable cities, possible and resilient territories
• Soil sciences & GIS modeling: edaphology, pedology, agrology, agroecology, agroecosystems
• Evaluation of impacts on urban, industrial and natural ecosystems
• Landscape ecology and soil geography: environmental complexity, geospatial analysis
• General theory of systems, complex dynamics and global natural phenomena.
Since 2002 I have experience as a lecturer in undergraduate and graduate, with more than 9000 teaching hours in the areas of geosciences, spatial analysis, engineering and complex systems, management and financial analysis of projects, management systems, agro-industry and ecology, climate science , land and sustainable development in global trends, among others.
Since 2011 with experience in the management of scientific research groups and integral skills for the management of science, knowledge and training processes. Academic pair and evaluator of scientific production, design of courses, processes of accreditation of high quality of programs and institutional, lecturer.
I have been a consultant for the United Nations, international environmental organizations, I have worked as a consultant and I have been part of multidisciplinary scientific groups in private and governmental entities. Since 1998 I have worked in management, advisory and coordination positions, with interdisciplinary teams. I have participated and organized workshops with key actors in all sectors, providing support in the different stages of the projects and the entities to design, formulate, execute, monitor and implement policies and action plans. Founding partner of the Company: Engineering, Geoscience and Sustainability – INGEOS SAS.
I have provided technical-scientific advice on conservation initiatives, land management, energy projects and clean production, environmental assessments, regional planning, bioremediation, contaminated environments and erosion management, use and adequate use of natural resources in river basins and its groundwater. I have modeled and proposed with GIS tools scenarios for development, environmental zoning, prospective planning and project management in sectors such as: energy mining, infrastructure and agro-industry, mainly. I have carried out studies of geomorphology, soil-landscape relationship, soil-vegetation-land cover, threats, natural disasters for risk management and human resilience.
I have published books on mountain geography, which I have as a hobby, in geographical environmental issues, I have published articles, work documents, among other contributions.
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